Clasped Hands
Cross Magnet

4"x 7" Full Color Magnet
$3.95 each - $4.95 S&H
2"x 3-1/2" Full Color Magnet
$2.50 each - $4.95 S&H |
ISAIAH 41:13
States "For I am the Lord, your God who takes
hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear:
I will help you, do not be afraid..." The "Clasped
Hands Cross" is the visual for this Biblical
Scripture, along with Jesus's promise of Corinthians
12:9 "My Grace is Enough". |
Open Heart Cross
To receive your *free "Open
Heart" Cross, please click on the button below. |
* S&H charges will apply. ($4.95)
* 2 Cross maximum per order. |
The Clasped
Hands Cross
Proceeds go toward material and packaging costs for "The
Hope Cross" $14.95 each
- $4.95 S&H |
Cross of Christ’s Choir
May we be inspired by the love of Jesus
to minister to others through our love of music and
May God guide us through our love of music to give encouragement
to others, to enhance their faith and reflect God’s
unwavering love for each and every one of us.
This cross is a reminder to:
Remember whom we are singing for,
Really listen to the words that we sing,
Sing from our heart, and
Make a joyful noise to the Lord
$15.00 each - $4.95 S&H
you wish to donate to "The Hope Cross",
please click on the button below
Cash and check purchases
(in any currency) should be addressed to:
The Hope Cross, INC.
PO Box 7119
Algonquin, IL 60102 USA
Call for shipping options,
quantity discounts and special requests.
(847)274-7120 Corporate
(972)835-5001 Texas branch
Additional crosses available
@ $4.00 each (cash and check purchases only)